1、默契 [簡明漢英詞典]privity我們真有默契啊we are so tacit名詞:privity [5priviti] n. 私下知悉, 默契 privity priv.i.ty AHD:[pr1v“1-t?] D.J.[6priviti8] K.K.[6pr!v!ti] n.(名詞) 【復數】 priv.i.ties Knowledge of something private or secret shared between individuals, especially with the implication of approval or consent. 私下知悉。
3、尤指一致贊同或同意 Law 【法律】 A relation between parties that is held to be sufficiently close and direct to support a legal claim on behalf of or against another person with whom this relation exists. 當事人的相互關系:當事人之間關系密切、直接到足以支持對代表或緊靠這種關系中另一方的法律要求的關系 A successive or mutual interest in or relationship to the same property. 同一產權的共有或繼承關系 形容詞: 默契的 tacitprivitytacitagreement默契。